America said - We do not support the Ukrainian attack in Russia: Russia started the war

Ukraine Attacks On Russia

America said - We do not support the Ukrainian attack in Russia: Russia started the war; Moscow said – will avenge the terrorist attacks of Ukraine

The US has decided not to support Ukraine on the drone attack near the Defense Military Headquarters in Moscow, the capital of Russia. In fact, on Monday, Russia alleged that Ukraine attacked Moscow with 2 drones. After this the White House opposed it in its statement.

President House spokeswoman Karin Jean Pierre said – America will never support Ukrainian attacks inside Russia. This war was started by Russia. They can end it anytime by withdrawing their army from Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Russia has spoken of avenging the attack on Ukraine. Russia's Foreign Ministry has called it a terrorist attack in Ukraine.

2 drones attack building in Moscow

On Monday, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that Ukraine carried out a terrorist attack on 2 non-residential buildings at around 4 am. No one was hurt during this. However, the building on which the attack took place was badly damaged. According to Russia, Ukraine's attack was thwarted by their air defense system.

17 drones attacked in Crimea as well, Ukraine took responsibility

Meanwhile, Ukraine also attacked with 17 drones in the Russian-occupied Crimea late on Monday night. These drones targeted a weapons warehouse and a residential building. Speaking to CNN, Ukraine's Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov claimed responsibility for the attack. He said- Ukraine will continue such attacks on Russia, so that it can protect its citizens.

According to Russia's Foreign Ministry, shortly after the attack, another helicopter-like drone was seen outside Moscow. However, no explosive material was present in it. This drone fell in a cemetery.

After the attack, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said – Russia needs to adopt a tougher attitude towards Ukraine. We need to increase the scope of our targets. Ukraine's military and leaders are trying to intimidate Russian citizens.

Russia was out of the grain deal last week

Russia last week attacked the Ukrainian port of Odessa near the Black Sea after pulling out of the Gran Deal. After this Zelensky had said – Russia will also get to feel the same as we are doing at the moment. Earlier in early July, Russia accused Ukraine of attacking two buildings in Moscow with five drones.

In May too, Russia blamed Ukraine for the drone attack on 2 buildings in Moscow. Russia's Defense Ministry had said that Kiev carried out a terrorist attack with about 8 drones. All the drones have been shot down. The citizens living in both the buildings are safe. Some media reports said that 30 drones were used in the attack on Russia.

There was also a drone attack on the Kremlin on May 3.

Earlier on May 3, the Kremlin, home of Russian President Putin, was attacked by 2 drones. Both drones crashed on the Dome of the Kremlin. However, Putin was not present there at the time of the attack. After the attack, Russia had said – We consider it a terrorist attack. It was a conspiracy to kill the President. Russia reserves the right to respond to this attack. Russia will also choose the place and time for this.

Ukraine freed 50% land from Russian occupation

While Putin is claiming that he has failed Ukraine's counter offensive. At the same time, America has claimed that Ukraine has freed 50% of its land from Russian occupation. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has given this information. In an interview with CNN, Blinken said that Ukraine has fought a very difficult battle.

Ukraine's counter-offensive (attack) to free its territory from Russia is still in the initial phase. Blinken said the Ukrainian attacks would not end in a week or two. These are going to continue for several months. At the same time, Ukraine hopes that it will get NATO membership next year.

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