Donald Trump would beat Joe Biden if the election were held today, survey reveals

doland trump survey 2023

Donald Trump would beat Joe Biden if the election were held today, survey reveals

The popularity of the former president looks overwhelming and no one seems to be able to stop his aspirations to achieve a second term

A poll conducted by Harvard-Harris revealed that, if the election were to take place at this time, Donald Trump would beat Joe Biden head-to-head by five percentage points.

The poll shows how the former president continues to dominate the route to the Republican primaries with 52% of voters in favor of his candidacy and his closest rival continues to be Ron DeSantis, only the governor of Florida is 40 points behind with only 12%, while Vivek Ramaswamy appears in third place with 10% support.

In this sense, the New York tycoon would defeat the current president of the nation in a direct confrontation by a margin of 45 to 40%, with 16% of voters undecided on whom to support him.

In a hypothetical scenario, the margin of advantage that Trump would have over Kamala Harris, the country's vice president, in a direct confrontation on the electoral ballot, would be 47 to 38%.

Under this approach, the Democrats would cede the White House, since they do not have sufficient support from the voters.

The survey also found that there is huge discontent with the two politicians who are set to represent their parties in the elections and 70% of voters would like another option.

In fact, 68% of the citizens surveyed acknowledged feeling that Joe Biden is too old to seek re-election.

And 64% directly pointed out that he should not seek a second term.

On the other hand, less than three in 10 respondents believe that the country is on the right path under the current administration.

And to reinforce the perspective, six out of 10 mentioned the economy or inflation as their main problem.

On the other hand, half of the people consulted consider it feasible for the United States to continue financing Ukraine in its fight to stop the Russian invasion of its territory.

It should be noted that the survey was carried out on July 19 and 20 and measured the opinion of 2,068 registered voters on the electoral roll.

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