Nothing Unexpected if North Korea Conducts New Nuclear Test, says US National Security Advisor | News

Nothing Unexpected if North Korea Conducts New Nuclear Test, says US National Security Advisor

Following the recent launch of an intercontinental long-range rocket by North Korea, the US National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, stated that the US wouldn't be surprised if North Korea conducted another nuclear test, as he has been concerned about it for some time.

Sullivan mentioned in an interview on CBS's Face the Nation, "I have been worried for quite a while that North Korea would conduct what could be its seventh nuclear test, following its other provocations. And I remain concerned about that."

He also stated that he currently sees no immediate indications that a nuclear test will happen.

The rocket, a solid-fuel Hwasong-18, which had reportedly been test-fired only once before, flew 1,001 kilometers (622 miles) at a maximum altitude of 6,648 kilometers before splashing into the East Sea, also known as the Sea of Japan, according to the official Korean Central News Agency.

Relations between North and South Korea are at a low point. Last year, North Korean leader Kim declared his country an "irreversible" nuclear power and called for an increased production of weapons, including strategic nukes.

The United Nations, the US, and its allies, including France, strongly condemned Wednesday's rocket launch, which violated various UN Security Council resolutions.

Sullivan reiterated Washington's willingness to engage in talks with Pyongyang, stating that President Joe Biden's administration is "prepared to sit down and talk without preconditions about their nuclear program."

With inputs from agencies

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