Who was Oppenheimer, on whom the Hollywood movie made has brought him into limelight?

Robert Openheimer Reds Connect

Who was Oppenheimer, on whom the Hollywood movie made has brought him into limelight?


Oppenheimer was the head of the Manhattan Project that developed the first atomic bomb.

As a theoretical physicist, he did research on black holes and neutron stars.

The atomic bombs to be dropped in Japan were made on the basis of the design of his lab.

A short story becomes a role. During World War II, America and the Allies suspected that Germany, under the leadership of Hitler, was working on making an atom. Since the war was going on, to stop it, it was necessary that America itself should be ready to manufacture the atomic bomb. For this, a project to manufacture an atomic bomb was prepared, the head of which was made physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer. The project was a success, after which World War II could formally end after the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan. The film named after Oppenheimer is in the headlines. Let's know who were the open-timers?

some important questions

This much introduction is enough to arouse curiosity about the Oppenheimer film that this film has been made by famous Hollywood filmmaker Christopher Nilon. The above small mention like this adds spice to it. But who was Oppenheimer? Why was he chosen to make the atomic bomb? Did Albert Einstein also have any role in this project, what were the other achievements of Oppenheimer from a scientific point of view. There are many such questions whose answers are also important to know.

Oppenheimer was the grandson of German Jewish immigrants

Robert Oppenheimer was born on 22 April 1904 in a Jewish family in New York City, USA. His father, Julius Siligmann Oppenheimer, was a successful textile importer and his mother was a painter. His grandfather had come to America from Germany in 1888 without any money and could not even speak English. But within a decade of working in a textile company, he had become very rich. The family moved to Manhattan in 1911. Apart from Robert, his younger brother Frank was a physicist.

PhD at the age of 23

After studying chemistry at Harvard University, Oppenheimer studied theoretical physics at Cambridge University and Godingen University in Germany and earned his doctorate at the age of only 23. After this he returned to America to teach physics. Along with teaching at the University of California, Berkeley, and the California Institute of Technology, he also researched black holes and neutron stars.

Oppenheimer as a scientist

Oppenheimer is known for doing important research in theoretical astronomy. In particular, he did research on the theory of relativity and the nuclear theory. Along with this, worked on nuclear physics, spectroscopy, quantum field theory. Apart from this, initially he also had a special attraction towards the formal mathematics of relativistic quantum mechanics. His works are considered to have contributed to the discovery of neutrons, mezons, neutron stars, etc.

Top secret Manhattan project

In 1941, Oppenheimer was asked to work on the top-secret Manhattan Project. Its purpose was to develop an atomic bomb. The following year, General Leslie Groves Jr., who was the director of the project, brought Oppenheimer into the project, and in 1943 he was made head of the laboratory after Los Alamos School in New Mexico was selected as the laboratory. Nuclear tests were done on 16 July 1945.

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