I can't take care of the child... the woman left after handing over the newborn to the couple, she handed it over to the police

I can't take care of the child... the woman left after handing over the newborn to the couple, she handed it over to the police

California. A very strange and shocking news came out from the US state of California. Where a woman expressed her inability to take care of her newborn baby and handed it over to a couple sitting in a restaurant. After this incident at the Hollywood restaurant in California, the couple handed over the newborn child to the police. It is said that the child is about 1 month old. The couple has handed over the child to the Beverly Hills Police. The incident happened just after midnight on Tuesday, July 18 at Chris Ann Eddy of Sunset Blvd.

According to the report published in HT, according to the New York Post, while handing over the child to the California couple, the unidentified woman said that she could no longer take care of her child. After this, the unknown woman hands over the child to the couple and goes away. After some time, the couple goes to the Beverly Hills Police and the child is handed over to them.

According to the New York Post, the police say that the health of the newborn baby was looking good. But, it was still taken to the regional hospital for examination. The case has been handed over to the Los Angeles Police by the Beverly Hills Police. The Los Angeles Police (LAPD) is now considering what to do next.

What is the Safe Surrendered Baby Law in California?

According to California's Department of Social Services, the "Safe Surrendered Infant Law" (California Health and Safety Code, Section 1255.7) provides a safe alternative to the surrender of a newborn under specified circumstances. Under the Safely Surrendered Children Act, a parent or person with legal custody may safely surrender a child within 72 hours of birth, confidentially and without fear of prosecution.

It states that the Safe Surrender Child Act requires the child to be taken to a public or private hospital, designated fire station or other safe surrender site, as determined by the local county board of supervisors. There will be no questioning of the person who surrenders under California Penal Code Section 271.5, which protects him from suit for abandonment.

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