NASA's Space Center power failure, contact with International Space Station briefly lost

NASA's Space Center power failure, contact with International Space Station briefly lost

NASA has informed that due to a power failure, commands could not be sent to the mission control station for some time. Information was given at the space station that due to power cut, the seven astronauts could not talk for some time. Maintenance work was going on in the Johnson Space Center building in Houston, due to which there was a power failure.

Florida, AP. Due to a power cut by the US space agency NASA, communication between Mission Control and the International Space Station was lost on Tuesday. Due to a power failure, commands could not be sent to the mission control station for some time. Information was given at the space station that due to power cut, the seven astronauts could not talk for some time.

Know why the electricity failed

Maintenance work was going on in the Johnson Space Center building in Houston, due to which there was a power failure. However, the work was restarted within 90 minutes through the backup control system.

According to the information, for the first time NASA had to use a backup system for connection to the space station. Space station program manager Joel Montalbano said neither the astronauts nor the station were ever in danger when the power went out.

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